Will they visit?: Western Grass-Dart frequently visit home gardens
Natural Distribution: Common and widespread throughout the South West and Perth region
Western Grassdart – (CC)Roger McHooligan. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Australia License (Atlas of Living Australia)
Western Grassdart – (CC)Roger McHooligan. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Australia License (Atlas of Living Australia)
Habitat at a Glance
See Habitat Guide for more detail
Shelter: In clumping grasses and groundcovers
Diet: Adults feed on nectar, caterpillars feed on foliage
Water: Not required
ReWild Benefit: Pollinator
Habitat Guide - Shelter
Natural Shelter
Western Grass-Darts are usually seen resting on ground covers, small shrubs, and clumping grasses.
Novel Shelter
Not required.
Habitat Guide - Food and Water
Providing natural sources of food
The Western Grass-Dart lay their eggs on native grasses and the caterpillars construct a shelter when ready to pupate into butterflies. The adults feed on an array of different flowering plants with a fondness for native daises.
Avoid commercial non-native seeds advertised for butterflies. These plants are usually unsuitable for our native butterflies to breed on – and have the potential to become serious weeds.
Providing sources of water
Not required.
ReWild Benefits
The Western Grass-Dart are pollinators and help connect biodiversity across the landscape. If you see them around your garden, you can record your sighting on Atlas of Living Australia!