Learn why ReWilding Perth is important and how to start your own ReWild garden.
Get started
1. Choose your suburb and garden size to see what you can do.
Starting your ReWild garden is easy.
ReWild Perth makes it easy for you to create beautiful gardens and outdoor spaces that also support local wildlife by providing food, water and shelter.
Why you should sign up.
Join the ReWild community and let’s Bring Nature Home.
When you complete your free registration with ReWild Perth, you get the benefit of additional features, which allows you to:
create a personal profile that takes you straight to your garden’s resources.
save a list of favourite resources for quick access (perfect for plant selection at the nursery).
make a garden action plan, set goals and track your progress.
see your collective impact by adding an anonymous marker to the ReWild Perth online map.
Ready to get started?
Simply fill in your ‘Suburb’ and ‘Garden size’ above to create your personal ReWild garden plan. Once there, click “Save my Garden” to create your profile!
You can access all the ReWild wildlife information without signing up, but you will get a lot more from being part of the community. Together, we can create safe havens and establish wildlife corridors that span the entire city.
What makes a ReWild Garden?
A ReWild garden is more than a native garden, it’s an ecosystem that belongs where you live; a haven that offers food, water and shelter to local wildlife (including birds, frogs, mammals and other critters).
Our region is one of the most ecologically diverse places on the planet! However, we have removed up to 70% of our natural spaces, resulting in significant biodiversity, habitat and species loss. As our city continues to grow, what remains is under threat, making it crucial to actively support our wild neighbours.
Every bit counts.
No effort is too small when it comes to conservation. Whether you’ve got a quarter-acre block or an apartment balcony, ReWild Perth has assembled a huge range of plant and animal resources that will help you to craft gardens that form an ecological network across a greener Perth that supports both future generations and local wildlife.
We start from the ground up, using your ReWild site’s size and location to ensure that all the suggestions are tailored to fit your space and create a garden ecosystem that supports the wildlife that belongs in your area, whether you’re out on the scarp or in the coastal plains.
Your ReWild garden can make it easier for our unique wildlife to return and thrive in urban spaces, making your garden exciting and beautiful for you and your loved ones, and an oasis in the landscape.
Everyone wins.
You will have the immediate benefit of a beautiful native garden, full of colour, but designed to work with the environment.
Our natural ‘web of life’ includes mammals such as quenda, possums and wambengers (phascogales), reptiles such as geckos and skinks, birds including barking owls, the endangered Carnaby’s Cockatoo and pardalotes – and all of these species are dependent on the native flora they co-evolved with.
The removal of native trees has removed the hollows many species use for nesting and breeding, as well as the food sources they require.
ReWild Perth allows you to play a role in restoring traditional food sources and providing shelter for our native wildlife. Explore our comprehensive library of resources to find:
Trees and plants specifically suited to your soil type and suburb, complete with growing guides.
Garden structures designed to provide habitat such as shelter or water sources.
Actions and practical tips to implement in your garden or local area to support wildlife.
Wildlife profiles – get to know your invited guests and what you can do to support them!
Once established, your ReWild garden will have the added benefits of:
Supporting your health and well-being – nature is good for us too!
Reduce your garden requirements for maintenance and costs (for your pocket and the environment) including water, fertiliser and insecticides.
The best thing about the ReWild community is that the more people that make the effort, the easier it will be for our unique and wonderful wildlife to coexist with us.
Join our friendly online community by following us on Facebook and Instagram.
nc Lechenaultia biloba (CC-BY-NC 4.0) Jordana1971
Myoporum insulare (CC-BY 4.0) banksiaman
Melaleuca huegelii (CC-BY-SA 4.0) Dr. Guido Bohne
An established dampland, integrated with a manmade pond (12 months later). IMG: J.Pitman