Swan River Daisy
Swan River Daisy is an easy-to-grow, small annual plant producing showy purple to white flowers.
For information on staying waterwise, seeking a watering exemption while establishing your garden, offers, rebates and more, please visit the Water Corporation website.
Noongar Name: Unknown
Scientific Name: Brachyscome iberidifolia
Performance: Easy to grow
Size: Annual with a maximum height up to 30cm
Flower: Purple
Flowering Time: Djilba – Djeran (Sep – May)
Natural Distribution: Grows locally in the Perth region
Growing at a Glance
See Growing Guide for more detail
Position: Adaptable to sunny and light-shade positions
Watering: A waterwise, drought-hardy plant.
Feeding: Will benefit from some supplementary feeding.
Growing Guide
Invited Guests
This provides habitat for Invertebrates, Reptiles, and Frogs