Will they visit?: They can establish a home in a garden
Natural Distribution: Common and widespread throughout the South West and Perth region
Lampona cylindrata – Kai Squires (CC BY-NC 4.0)
Lampona cylindrata – Paul George (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
Habitat at a Glance
See Habitat Guide for more detail
Shelter: Under bark or rocky crevices
Diet: Other spiders including redback spiders and black house spiders.
Water: Not required
ReWild Benefit: Pest Control
Habitat Guide - Shelter
Natural Shelter
Some White-tailed Spiders build nesting lairs and prefer to hide in tight cervices including under rocks, beneath bark, or between fabric (such as towels and sheets). They generally roam freely in the garden in search of food and shelter.
They are passive and only bite when handled or trapped. There are myths the bite of White-tailed Spiders cause open ulcers. Still seek medical attention if bitten by a spider.
Novel Shelter
Not required.
Habitat Guide - Food and Water
Providing natural sources of food
White-tailed Spiders prey upon other spider species and other invertebrates. Plant small shrubs and clumping grasses to provide foraging habitat in the garden. They also hunt for insects living amongst mulch and leaflitter around home gardens.
Providing sources of water
Not required.
ReWild Benefits
Spiders control pests (such as other spiders) around the garden and benefit our neighbourhoods as we work to drive a healthy environment for our community. If you see a spider, you can record your sighting on the Atlas of Living Australia and help scientists monitor populations. It is a great place to find the name of different spider species.