Shelter: Large trees, shrubs, and under eaves around homes
Diet: Insects
Water: Shallow bird bath
ReWild Benefit: Pest control
Habitat Guide - Shelter
Natural Shelter
Welcome Swallows are true urbanites and will often nest in a variety of places including the side of buidlings, under roofs, and rocky overhangs. They build their nest out of mud collected from nearby wetlands.
Welcome Swallows perch in large trees, shrubs, and along fence lines when resting or searching for prey.
Novel Shelter
Not required.
Habitat Guide - Food and Water
Providing natural sources of food
Welcome Swallows capture insect in mid-air. Tall trees provide adequate places for them to perch, preen, and look for potential prey.
Providing sources of water
Welcome Swallows prefer to live near water. A shallow bird bath is a great spot to see these birds banter in the garden. Bird baths can be hazardous for small birds. Partially submerged rocks or logs can provide a safer avenue to exit the water incase they fall in.
Bird baths can be hung from prominent branches or in the forks of trees. This can provide a safe place for birds to drink away from cats and dogs.
ReWild Benefits
Welcome Swallows help to control pest species within the ecosystem. Visit BirdLife Australia to learn more about our native birds of prey. If you have seen one in your neighbourhood or around the home you can record your sighting on Birdata and help scientists monitor their population