Diet: Other insects, invertebrates, and small animals
Water: Shallow dish or frog pond
ReWild Benefit: Pest control
Habitat Guide - Shelter
Natural Shelter
There are hundreds of mantid species native to Australia and many remain undescribed by science. They typically live within the vegetation of trees, shrubs, and groundcovers. A garden with diverse plants, rockeries, leaflitter, and logs can provide suitable habitat for mantids.
Their young are usually wingless and rely on dense vegetation for shelter. A garden with plenty of groundcovers and smaller shrubs can provide suitable habitat for young bush crickets.
Novel Shelter
A template of a bug hotel is illustrated below. Things to consider:
Place several bug hotels throughout the garden to avoid disease spread.
Have several smaller hotels throughout the garden to avoid parasite and predator burden.
Position in a north and east position sheltered with dappled shade.
Keep dry and ensure protection from the rain.
Avoid using insecticides around the garden.
Habitat Guide - Food and Water
Providing natural sources of food
Mantids feed on other insects, invertebrates, and small animals (including very small frogs). A diverse garden with different plants including hardenbergia, eucalyptus, banksia, hakeas, and many others can provide foraging habitat for mantids.
Providing sources of water
Mantids visit bird baths and frog ponds for a drink during warm weather. Insects often fall into water sources and can drown. A partially submerged rock or stick can provide a safe avenue for smaller creatures to leave the water safely.
Mantids lay their eggs in damp soils. A dampland garden can provide additional breeding habitat.
ReWild Benefits
Mantids are ecologically important as predators, and as prey for various birds, reptiles, frogs, and mammals. If you find a mantid, you can search on the Atlas of Living Australia to find the matching species and record your sighting!