Will they visit?: Pacific Black Ducks has adapted well to urban areas and farmlands
Natural Distribution: Common and widespread throughout the South West and Perth region
‘Pacific Black Duck (C)Cherilyn Corker 2015 birdlifephotography.org.au’
‘Pacific Black Duck (C)Paul Thorogood 2017 birdlifephotography.org.au’
Habitat at a Glance
See Habitat Guide for more detail
Shelter: Tree hollows and constructed nest boxes
Diet: Mammals, birds, reptiles, insects
Water: Bird baths
ReWild Benefit: Pest control
Habitat Guide - Shelter
Natural Shelter
Black Ducks are one of the common waterfowl found around Perth. They are known to sporadically visit native frog ponds and pools.
Black Ducks nest in tree hollows of old gum trees. Keep and maintain large trees in the garden to provide nesting habitat for native ducks. In winter and spring time families are known to venture into suitable gardens with their ducklings. Dense shrubbery and clumping grasses can provide suitable shelter for parenting ducks and their ducklings.
Novel Shelter
Below is a template and important considerations regarding nest boxes for ducks.
Install the box on a tall tree close to the main trunk or a thick horizontal limb five meters or higher.
Position nest boxes away from direct afternoon sun.
Nest boxes are a long-term commitment and need maintenance and repair over time.
Never use metal wire inside a box. A wooden ladder or notches in the timber is much more suitable and won’t damage claws or talons.
Chipboard boxes degrade quickly and require replacement after a year of use.
Hardier untreated timber (Jarrah) is less prone to attack by fungi, bacteria, and microorganisms.
Do not use treated timber as this can emit fumes toxic to wildlife and their young.
Maintenance is critical to ensure any resident wildlife and their offspring remain safe.
Duck nesting box
Habitat Guide - Food and Water
Providing natural sources of food
Black Ducks will enjoy hanging around a large frog ponds and other water bodies. They will eat vegetation, tadpoles, and aquatic insects living in ponds and damp areas of the garden.
Black Ducks readily feed on lawn and animals living amongst the grass including slugs, snails, and small invertebrates.
Providing sources of water
Black Ducks live near water and have been known to visit large bird baths and frog ponds to drink.
ReWild Benefits
Ducks help control pest and disperse seeds throughout the landscape. If you want to know more about native birds visit BirdLife Australia. Record your sightings on Birdata and help scientists monitor their population.