Threats: Habitat loss and predation by cats and foxes
Will they visit?: Numbats are locally extinct within the Perth region and will not visit home gardens
Natural Distribution: Isolated populations throughout the South West
Numbat – (C)Perth NRM
Numbat – (C)Gary Tate
Numbat – (C)Gary Tate
Habitat at a Glance
See Habitat Guide for more detail
Shelter: Fallen tree hollows
Diet: Termites
Water: Not required, obtains all its water from its diet
ReWild Benefit: Control pests
Habitat Guide - Shelter
Natural Shelter
Numbats live in open eucalypt woodlands and require an abundance of fallen hollow logs for shelter. Numbats are diurnal (active during the day) and forage in open areas with shrubs nearby for shelter and protection from predators.
Novel Shelter
Not required.
Habitat Guide - Food and Water
Providing natural sources of food
Numbats have an exclusive diet of termites. During the day they forage for termites by digging up shallow tunnels and chambers underground.
Providing sources of water
Not required.
ReWild Benefits
They were once common throughout the South West and Perth region. Sadly, these curious marsupials are now locally extinct within the Perth region. They were last recorded at Thompson Lake in Perth’s South in 1984! Numbats eat over 20,000 termites a day, keeping populations in check. If you see a Numbat in the wild, record you finding via the Atlas of Living Australia.