Threats: Habitat loss, predation by cats and foxes
Will they visit?: Brushtail Possums are well known to visit home gardens
Natural Distribution: Common and widespread throughout the South West and Perth region.
Brushtailed Possum – (C)Ry Beaver
Brushtailed Possum – (C)Ry Beaver
Habitat at a Glance
See Habitat Guide for more detail
Shelter: Hollows in large trees and constructed nestboxes
Diet: Foliage, flowers, fruit, invertebrates, and bird eggs
Water: Will use bird baths during summer
ReWild Benefit:
Habitat Guide - Shelter
Natural Shelter
A possum on the roof? It is most likely a Common Brushtail Possum. They will seek out roofs when no hollows or nest boxes are available. Brushtail Possums forage in the canopies of large trees and nest in their hollows. Garden shrubs will provide additional shelter from potential predators as Brushtail Possums will forage on the ground.
Novel Shelter
Below is a habitat box template for a Brushtail Possum. Ideally, install the box on a mature tree close to the main trunk or a thick horizontal limb. Speak with the local government or local Landcare before installing or maintaining a bat box. Ensure the box is inaccessible to resident dogs or cats. Before you build:
Nest-boxes are a long-term commitment and need maintenance and repair over time.
Chipboard is okay, but degrade after a year of use.
Hardier and untreated timber (i.e. Jarrah) will last longer and are less prone to attack by fungi, bacteria, and microorganisms.
Keep away from treated timber as this can emit fumes toxic to wildlife and their young.
Avoid using metal wire inside a box. A wooden ladder on the inside of the nest-box is much more suitable or grooved timber will work well.
Maintenance is critical to ensure wildlife remain safe. Last thing you want is a side panel falling off with an animal or its young still living inside.
Habitat Guide - Food and Water
Providing natural sources of food
Brushtail Possums love to eat fruits, flowers and foliage. Preserving mature eucalypt trees in a garden is a critical first step in providing a natural food source. A variety of native grasses next to tall shrubs and trees will provide additional food and nesting materials. It is strongly discouraged to purposely provide them fruit and other food stuffs around the garden.
Providing sources of water
Brushtail Possums will visiting bird baths and large ponds during dry periods. Hang bird baths within the canopy or in the fork of a tree to minimise the risk of cats interacting with a drinking Brushtail Possum.
ReWild Benefits
Brushtail Possums keep our ecosystem healthy as they often disperse seeds and pollinate plants across our landscape. If you see them in your garden, you can record your sighting on Atlas of Living Australia!